What's new in Canton Fair | Make friends with people from 17 different countries in one day in Canton Fair!



Make friends with people from 17 different countries in one day in Canton Fair!

With representatives from a staggering 212 countries and regions in attendance this year, the Canton Fair truly stands as a global epicenter of trade and networking.

Curious about what changes will occur in Guangzhou during the Canton Fair? Wondering about the flavors in the restaurants at the fair? Interested in knowing how easy it is to get along with foreign merchants at the fair? And what exciting events unfold during a day at the Canton Fair?

And today, you have the chance to embark on a whirlwind journey through this global marketplace. Join Daily Bae's reporter to forge friendships with people from 17 different countries in just one exhilarating day!

编辑 钟金秀


